Fluttering Borders: Imagine a World with No Borders

Thesis Project 

Project Location:
San Diego, CA

Programs Used:
Rhino 6, Blender 6, Autocad, Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop

Check out Fluttering Borders' Website by clicking down below.

We all want to travel freely but sometimes it can be challenging when there are restrictions in place. What would it like to migrate as a butterfly? Butterflies migrate freely with no restrictions. Welcome to "Fluttering Borders''! Creating an immersive experience that brings change, transformation and hope: as we bring unity and allow a biological phenomenon to be preserved. Our proposed argument: "walls and restrictions are man made": we aim to address the sensitive issue of immigration by creating a border-free zone that unites people from both sides of the border.

Our exhibition demonstrates an immersive video of our theme park where the viewer can freely enter main attractions in "Fluttering Borders". Overall, the methodology used in Fluttering Borders appears to be a combination of research, education, and entertainment, with a focus on providing visitors with an immersive and socially aware experience while introducing a serious matter at hand. Fluttering Borders aims to educate visitors about the importance of preserving the Monarch butterflies through exploring various regions of the park and providing them with an immersive space, where they can interact with the exhibits and attractions, and feel like they are migrating like a butterfly. In addition, Fluttering Borders seeks to transform a heavily militarized environment into a peaceful, fun, border-free zone where people from both countries can come together and unite as one.

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