Rome, Italy: The Co-Housing Project of Ex-Filand

Project Location:
Rome, Italy

Programs Used:

Rhino 6, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

The Ex-Filanda has been an abandoned site for quite some time in Rome, Italy that is located between various transportation uses such as the Tram System, Subway lines and Bus stations at walkable distances with parks that are behind the Ex Oratorio di Santa Margherita as well as existing residential and commercials spaces behind it. If co-housing complexes were to be designed on this site, it creates affordable housing those who have families with elderly and children of all ages and accomodates children by incoporating a daycare facility on the ground level which welcomes children from the apartemnt complex and for those coming from other residential complexes within the area itself; so this project is a mix of both public and privte spaces all in one building

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